Today I took a photo of a meal I made. Every Sunday I plan out all of my family's meals for the week and this week I had planned out all easy meals to make. I was hoping that I would have something really cool to take a picture of, but not so much. I planned out the easy to make meals because my husband just started a new job and I wasn't sure when he would be home and I needed to have meals that were easy to make if I was going to watch both boys on my own while preparing dinner. Tonight was BLAT night! Bacon (we used Canadian bacon), Lettuce, Avocado, and Tomato with a little mayo, bread, and some broccoli as a side. I usually eat my BLAT with two slices of bread, but when I put them in the toaster I miscounted the total amount of bread I needed and there was only one slice for me. I could have toasted another piece or grabbed a non-toasted piece, but I decided that I would just use one piece and have lettuce as my topping. The meal was yummy and very easy to make! BB also likes BLATs, which is nice :)
Yum! That's what we had for dinner tonight, one of my fave meals